Thursday, October 12, 2006

Up Before Noon!

I went down to the Chicago Board of Trade yesterday with my friend, Anne (who works there), to watch the opening. If you're ever looking to stand in a room of about 500 and be the only one who doesn't know what the hell is going on (and everyone knows it), I encourage you to visit the CBOT, just a hop, skip, and a jump downtown. It's kind of like Vegas; just replace the blinking lights with piercing profanities, and the various slots, tables, and general gambling machines with creepy old men. I’m not kidding, these men are the guys who sit at the end of my bar mumbling to themselves and I’m just counting the minutes until they leave (that’s mean) (I tend to preface or conclude sentences by saying “that’s mean” as if being aware of it makes it okay).

It’s such a funny spectacle that money makes. People running around wearing very tacky mesh trading vests, throwing paper, making hand signals, and using a preposterous amount of acronyms (and my boyfriend and dad are military guys so I’ve heard my fair share). Anne kept apologizing because it was apparently slow and boring to her, but I was completely sold on the opening bell (imagine “RINNNNGGG” and then massive amounts of shouting), that was the excitement of my week, well a close second to the dollar I found in my winter jacket.

Speaking of my uneventful, lazy life, my friend Kim was talking about how bad she felt because she was so tired at work during the day, so I told her that when I don’t get nine hours of sleep and an nap around 3:00ish, I’m pretty much worthless…that made her feel better…and me worse.

Ta Ta,


Small Thing: Seeing a shooting star. It last likes 1/100th of a second and sometimes you’re not even sure you saw it, but it gives you this wonderful sense of smallness and bigness at the same time.


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