Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nothing Degrees

One of the worst things about single digit temperatures is the overwhelming presence of immortalized dog pee. All over the sidewalks of my neighborhood there are small patches of yellow ice…petrified urine streams…marked territory frozen in time. You can see the distinct point where the warm flow began to freeze and the stream halted on the lower slope of the sidewalk. It makes a shape like a blob and I have no idea why I’m still writing details. But just think, someone, somewhere at sometime has slipped on frozen dog pee. What a bummer.

Of course the worst thing about single digit temperatures is single digit temperatures. I mean it is so damn cold that whenever I go outside a small ball of anger slowly grows inside me and pushes its way out in the form of tears. Why leave the house? Because it’s a competition between you and nature, clearly you are losing but you can’t get the obligatory “participate” ribbon (which is always purple) if you don’t compete!

And speaking of losing, nothing is more depressing than seeing 200 Bears fans looking across the bar at you like little kids who just hurt themselves and they are waiting for your reaction in order to decide whether they will cry or not. Well, they chose to cry and fortunately for me and my wallet, the band-aid was beer. Hooray emotional drinking!

Well I’m off to Kansas to stay with Todd for a while. I quit the bar, sublet my apartment and when I return to Chicago, I intend to find myself a full time job and see how that tickles my fancy.

D. Riggs

Small thing: The effectiveness of squeegees, very satisfying.


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